Formålet med  “Red en Ven”

The purpose of "Save a Friend"


I, Sofie, have chosen to start Red en Ven, because of my fondness for animals. I grew up among cats, dogs and horses, where each one has always been an important member of the family.

Through my travels down south as a child, it dawned on me that many people do not share my views on animal welfare. Many of you can probably nod in recognition to skinny street dogs, hungry kittens and exhausted horses harnessed to heavy carts. Among these can also be mentioned a lack of ecologically run agriculture and the East's heartless view of the animal's being, which i.a. resulting in illegal trade and brutal slaughter as "Dog Meat Trade"..

You can't save the whole world - but you can save one animal's whole world. I have therefore chosen to start Red en Ven, to support a world with better animal welfare. We have entered into a collaboration with Douglas from Uganda. Douglas runs "Douglas Domestic Rescue", which is a very small organization in Lungujja, Uganda. We provide financial support to the animals, and at the same time we hire Douglas for treatment and general animal husbandry. In addition to the active organization, Red en Ven also has another purpose: EVERYONE can make a difference. We want to spread the word about the harsh reality of ownerless animals worldwide. More of us have the resources to improve the lives of these animals. And together, we can make a huge difference 🐾

All profits go to the organization in Uganda. Our profit is therefore your profit, precisely to give an animal in need an extra chance in this life ❤️‍🩹
We thus get nothing financially from a sale.

Red en Ven offers a varied range of jewellery, including consisting of a maritime collection and numerous pearl jewelry - all handmade and unique.

At REV, we aim to show how you can make a difference, and thus the result of your contribution - it can be anything from rescue reports to sunshine stories 🤞🏻

I hope you will follow my project and support the purpose - thank you very much for reading along.

Bra Sophie 💌

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